“Cool Websites and Tools [July 5th]” plus 7 more | ![]() |
- Cool Websites and Tools [July 5th]
- What Do the URL Domain Extensions Stand For and Why Are They Needed? [In Case You Were Wondering]
- How To Create, Merge and Split PDF Documents On A Mac
- 8 Best Sources to Follow Computer Virus News and Alerts
- Check Out The New MakeUseOf T-Shirt Store
- How To Create Your Own Hosted Online Survey With LimeSurvey
- The 7 Best Windows 7 Gadgets
- Total Data Security with Paragon’s System Backup 2010 [Giveaway]
Cool Websites and Tools [July 5th] Posted: 05 Jul 2010 08:31 PM PDT
These are just half of the websites that we discovered in the last couple of days. If you want us to send you daily round-ups of all cool websites we come across, leave your email here. Or follow us via RSS feed. Follow MakeUseOf on Twitter. Includes cool extras. Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
What Do the URL Domain Extensions Stand For and Why Are They Needed? [In Case You Were Wondering] Posted: 05 Jul 2010 04:30 PM PDT
It’s easy to forget that each domain extension is intended to be used for a specific purpose when everyone is using .com for whatever they please. But you might be surprised to find out that a lot of domain extensions have registration restrictions and are still used for their intended purposes.
History of Domain ExtensionsIn 1984, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) established the first six domain extensions: .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org, and .net. Shortly after, the first two-character country code domain extensions (like .uk and .us) were established. In 1988, .int was also introduced.
After an application period, seven new domain extensions were introduced in 2000: .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, and .pro. Throughout 2005 and 2007, .cat, .jobs, .mobi, .tel, .travel, and .asia were also established. New domain extensions are sure to come. Just last month, the first “internationalized” domain extensions were established. These internationalized domain extensions are the first to not use Latin characters (three of them use Arabic characters and one uses Cyrillic). Read on to find out the different categories that domain extensions are grouped under and the specific uses for all of the domain extensions mentioned above. Types of Domain ExtensionsThere are two main types of domain extensions: country code and generic (which is further subdivided into sponsored and unsponsored). Country code extensions are two-character domain extensions for countries, sovereign states, and territories. Many country code extensions have second-level subdomains, like the .co in Generic domain extensions include all of the other domain extensions, like .com, .edu, and .biz. Sponsored extensions, like .aero, .coop, and .museum, are managed by an organization that is in charge of the policies regarding their registration. Unsponsored extensions are simply managed by ICANN. All domain extensions are also either restricted or unrestricted. To register a domain name with a restricted domain extension, you have to meet certain requirements. For example, only accredited educational institutions are eligible to register a domain with a .edu extension. Many country code domain extensions are also restricted and can only be registered by citizens or residents of the country that the extension refers to. Unrestricted domain extensions, like .com, .org, and .net, can be registered by anyone. Some country code domain extensions are unrestricted, which has resulted in the registration of “domain hacks” that create a word using the domain extension., for example, uses the United States country code .us to form the word “delicious.” A List of Specific UsesHere is an alphabetical list of all generic domain extensions and their specific uses. .aero – Used in the aviation industry. .asia – Used in Asia. .biz – Used by businesses. .cat – Used for Catalan-language websites. .com – Intended for use by commercial entities, but it is unrestricted. .coop – Used by cooperatives. .edu – Used by post-secondary educational institutions. .gov – Used by United States government entities. .info – Intended for use by “informative” websites, but it is unrestricted. .int – Used by international, treaty-based organizations. .jobs – Used by websites dealing with employment. .mil – Used by the United States military. .mobi – Used by websites optimized for access on mobile devices. .museum – Used by museums. .name – Used by individuals. .net – Intended for network infrastructure use, but it is unrestricted. .org – Intended for use by organizations, but it is unrestricted. .pro – Used by licensed professionals, including those in the legal, accounting, and medical professions. .tel – Used to store and publish contact information. .travel – Used by entities in the travel industry. ConclusionNew domain extensions are constantly being proposed and debated. Many want more geography-based domain extensions like .asia. To that end, domain extensions like .london, .nyc, and .quebec have been proposed. There has also been widespread support for the domain extension .kids, which would be used by websites designed for children. Contrarily, the .xxx domain extension has just recently been approved after years of debate, and it’s intended to be used by adult entertainment websites in the near future. What domain extensions do you want to see in the future? Image credit: binsurf Do you like MakeUseOf articles? Don’t forget to share our articles with others! It’s really important to us. Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
How To Create, Merge and Split PDF Documents On A Mac Posted: 05 Jul 2010 02:30 PM PDT
Merging and splitting PDF documents on a Mac is just as easy as creating them in the first place. If you own a Mac and don’t yet know how to create a PDF document, well you’ve come to right place. I’ll start you off from scratch. The only application you need to deal with PDFs on a Mac is already installed by default. It’s called Preview. It also lets you view images (although I personally prefer using Quick Look for that). But Preview only comes in handy if you already have a PDF document. What if you don’t and want to create some?
Creating a PDFDid you know that you can create a PDF version of any document you have — Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Pages, even images and webpages? All you have to do is open up the file with the appropriate application. For this example, I’ll be using Pages. So, I’d like to make a PDF version of this document (which you can download, by the way). Click on File, then Print. On the subsequent pop-up, click on the PDF button on the bottom left. Then select ‘Save as PDF’. In the next window that appears, enter a descriptive title for the PDF and select the destination folder. That’s it! That’s how you create a PDF in Mac OS X. Simple, eh? Alternatively, you can also use the Export feature if the application supports exporting to PDF. Merging 2 PDF documentsAlright, this is where Preview comes in handy. Let’s say I have 2 one-page PDF files which I’d like to merge. Double-click on one of the PDFs and it will open with Preview. Then click on the Sidebar button to bring it up. Now click and drag the second PDF document and drop in in the sidebar. Repeat the process for all the PDF documents you want to merge. Re-order them and then select all of the pages by pressing Command+A. With all of the PDFs selected, follow the instructions from the section above to “print” (choose ‘Print Selected Page‘) the document and save as a PDF. The result is a single PDF file with both of the initial PDF documents. You’ve just merged 2 PDFs together. Splitting PDF documentsSplitting a PDF file into separate, individual pages follows a similar concept. Open the PDF file in Preview, select the pages you want, “print” those pages and save them as a PDF file. Then simply delete those pages from the original PDF file and “print” the remaining pages. Did you know these tips? Any more PDF tips you’d like to share with us? Feel free to leave a note in the comments. Hey Facebookers, make sure to check out MakeUseOf page on Facebook. Over 24,000 fans already! Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 Best Sources to Follow Computer Virus News and Alerts Posted: 05 Jul 2010 12:30 PM PDT
You might have an anti-virus software installed in your computer that auto updates itself against latest threats. if you haven’t, here are MakeUseOf’s recommendations for the best free antivirus you can get your hands on. In addition to that, it is always a good idea to keep yourself on top of what exactly is happening in the computer security front. Viruses and other threats have a tendency to replicate themselves, making it tough for security software vendors to issue a patch. We have compiled a list of reliable official and independent sources that publish computer virus news and alerts as and when the outbreak happens.
Official SourcesESET Threat BlogESET is a trusted name in the desktop security business. They won the hearts of both enterprise and home users alike with their rapid virus signature updates, sometimes multiple times a day, if necessary. They maintain a fantastic ESET Threat blog to keep everyone up to date on any new virus or malware threats. The blog is updated regularly and in addition to providing the latest information on viruses, they post lot of useful data walking users through tips & tricks to avoid skimming, phising etc. ESET updates the blog with content that serves everyone – from newbies to White Hat hackers. Posts detailing as to how the malware underground works, how BlackHat hackers distribute malware via online games, how botnets manipulate the stock market are some of the nteresting topics covered in the blog. Trend Micro Threat EncyclopediaTrend Micro is one of the pioneers in the computer security business and they have put up a threat encyclopedia to keep their users in the know of the latest threats. Recent strains of malware, spyware and vulnerabilities are segregated in their respective tables, with an appropriate risk rating. Clicking on the malware name opens a pretty detailed advisory as to how this malware harms the desktop and the platforms it is active on. McAfee Virus InformationWith a global map showing virus threat levels, list of recent threats to a general purpose threat meter, McAfee’s Virus Information page is put together very well. There are free resources to teach beginners about various threats like virus, malware, spyware etc. and how to identify one from another. Free virus specific diagnostics and removal tools can also be downloaded from here. Norton Threat ExplorerBeing a name synonymous with the computer security industry, Norton maintains an exhaustive threat explorer index. You can check out all the latest computer security threats listed in a single page in alphabetical order and can even search for a particular virus if you know the name. SecurelistSecurelist is a computer virus threat information portal maintained by Kaspersky Labs. They list recent virus descriptions found, in depth reviews of Malware behaviour on test systems, news & analysis of hot security topics, Monthly malware statistics and a lot more related to information security. Independent SourcesComputerWeeklyComputerWeekly, a reputed technology blog has an exclusive section dedicated to computer security alerts and analysis. In addition to covering news about computer security threats, they also publish in depth articles on vulnerabilities available in popular gadgets and smartphones. Their forward-looking coverage on future threats & impending spam campaigns and in-depth white papers on IT security alerts are thorough and written in a simple language making it easy for newbies to understand. Virus BulletinTrue to its name, Virus Bulletin is a blog dedicated to cover virus, malware and spyware outbreaks. Virus Bulletin carries a lot of articles on malware tests & analysis complete with complex graphical interpretations. A fantastic chart showing the list of top malware and their prevalence percentage on computers adorns the homepage. There is also a calender displaying various security conferences & conventions across the globe. Security News PortalWith hard to miss, color-coded list of recent IT security threats displayed prominently, Security News Portal makes an impression right from the first visit. The portal covers a lot of platforms but highlights vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, the biggest among them all. ConclusionAmong the official sources, ESET’s blog is an enjoyable read and is extremely qualified to become a full-fledged computer security blog. Kaspersky Securelist comes in as a close second with its computer virus alerts and analysis. The rest of the official sources are updated regularly with mostly basic computer threat description for a quick glance. ComputerWeekly and Virus Bulletin both do an excellent job in reporting and covering threat alerts in a language that even newbies can comprehend. Now that you know where to read about computer virus alerts, you might want to check out our coverage of the best websites to find fixes for virus & malware. Do you follow a great blog or portal that we have missed? Please do share it with us in the comments section. Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Check Out The New MakeUseOf T-Shirt Store Posted: 05 Jul 2010 11:30 AM PDT
As from today, head on over to the MakeUseOf T-shirt store, courtesy of SplitReason, and spend all of your hard earned cash on one (or all) of our 6 cool customized T-shirts! There’s something for everyone, young and old, geek and non-geek. And we have tried to keep the prices reasonable – only $16.95 per T-shirt (not including shipping). Sizes range from S all the way up to XXL (or XXXL by special order). Go to Let me take you on a virtual tour of the store and perhaps, in the process, entice you to pick up a shirt or six.
First of all, this is what the store looks like. Smart, eh? Currently we have only six designs on offer. This isn’t because we have already run out of inspiration or that the T-shirt designers are on strike. It’s simply that we want to test demand with these six and if sales are brisk, we will start adding more designs to the shop. For example, we have a Linux Tux one on standby for later. Each T-shirt has the MakeUseOf logo discreetly printed on the sleeves so when you walk about town, looking like a cool guy or a sexy gal, everyone will stop and ask “what’s MakeUseOf?” and then you know what to do. Yep, give them the URL so they can come to visit. And show them the T-shirt store so they can buy their own shirt. So, to help you decide which T-shirt will look good on you , here’s what the six designs look like.
So head on over to the MakeUseOf T-Shirt store today. Until July 14th, you can even enter the promo code MAKEUSEOF and save 10% on each shirt. So what are you waiting for? Oh and before I forget, we have decided not to choose anything from the entries of the design competition. However, to acknowledge the hard work of some of the designers, we have decided to award free T-shirts to four of the applicants. They are Toby Valora, Peileppe Productions, Eric Feinstein, and Durden. We will be in touch shortly. Do you like MakeUseOf articles? Don’t forget to share our articles with others! It’s really important to us. Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
How To Create Your Own Hosted Online Survey With LimeSurvey Posted: 05 Jul 2010 10:30 AM PDT
Before I get started, I would suggest that everyone to take a read of their documentation. If you ever run into a problem or not sure what option to select or how to do something, the documentation wiki will help you out.
InstallationInstallation of LimeSurvey is pretty similar to installing any other web script. Just download the latest version, upload the files to your web server, open config.php, enter your database information, set the relevant directory permissions and then run the installer located at to populate your database. That's it. If you run into problems, simple read the installation instructions. Creating Your First SurveyOnce you have successfully installed LimeSurvey, you can log in to your admin panel by going to your installation directory /admin. To create your first survey, click on the image that's next to the Survey drop-down box. The drop-down box lists all your surveys that you have. You will then be presented with the setup screen for you to enter information about the survey such as why you are conducting it and the messages you want the participants to read. In the relevant tabs, you can also set who has access to complete the survey, when the survey is active, whether the survey is anonymous and many more features. It's important that you carefully read this information as you may not be able to change it once you publish the survey. Once you have made all your settings, hit the "Save Survey" button. It's now time to add groups to your survey. Adding GroupsLimeSurvey is organised in a hierarchical manner. The top level is the survey which survey's have groups and inside these groups are the questions. So when you add questions to the survey, you first have to have a group. Groups are a great way to organise your survey, and get certain participants to answer questions in a particular group only by adding conditions. It is also a great way to break your survey up into pages or sections. So to add a group, simple click on the plus sign that is next to "Question Groups" and fill in the form. Adding QuestionsNow we are up to the part where we add questions to our groups. To do this, press the plus sign in the question group toolbar. As you can see, as you move down the hierarchical levels, you get another row of options. Right here is where you enter your question. First of all, chose a unique code for your question. For example, it could be just q1 or your_name if you just ask for the participant's name. Next, add the question’s text and help text to provide the user with a guideline to answer the question. The help box doesn't have to include anything, but if the question is a bit vague, it's always good to include it. Now we are at the important step – choosing your question type. There is a long list of question types that you can select from: Most of them are self explanatory, but if you don't understand what a question type is, visit the documentation page for help. Once you filled out all the required fields, press "Save Question" to save the survey. Depending on the question type, you may have to add attributes to the question. This can be done by clicking on the image next to the warning message. From here, you can add options or conditions on a particular question. As you can see, LimeSurvey is quite powerful. Just Follow The ProcessNow you know the basics, you just have to follow the steps above to create your survey. If you run into trouble, please ask in the comments below and I will try my best to help you, or you can read the documentation which is really thorough. Once you have activated your new survey, hand the link out if your survey is open to everyone. Then all you have to do is check your results by clicking on the "Browse responses to this survey button". If you want to see the results of my recent survey, you can download the zip file which contains the raw PDF output from LimeSurvey at my blog. Just so you know, MakeUseOf’s polls are powered by PollDaddy. What is your favourite survey solution? Follow MakeUseOf on Twitter. Includes cool extras. Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 05 Jul 2010 09:30 AM PDT
Unlike the sidebar, gadgets in Windows 7 are actually very useful. Unfortunately many people overlook this feature, instead going or a platform like Google Desktop. Having used both Google Desktop and Windows 7 Gadgets, I have to say that gadgets have some advantages. They feel much smoother than Google Desktop’s alternative. The selection is more limited, however, so let’s take a look at some great Windows 7 gadgets.
Three Useful MetersSystem monitors are nice to have on your desktop. They offer you the ability to keep an eye on your computer’s resources in real time, which lets you keep an eye out for any strange spikes in the usage of your computer’s resources. These spikes are usually no problem, but on occasion they can alert you to the existence of malware or simply a program that you installed and then later forgot about. There are three great, related system monitor gadgets available for Windows 7. These gadgets are called CPU Meter, Network Meter, and Drive Meter. CPU meter monitors processor usage by displaying a graphic of processor usage and also status bars for each processor core. This gadget also monitors RAM usage. The network monitor displays IP addresses and keeps track of both uploads and downloads. The drives monitor displays all connected hard drive and their capacity. Of course, there are many system monitor gadgets you can choose from. What makes these things stand out from the crowd, however, is their interface. Each has a very clear, easy to understand aesthetic that conveys maximum information in minimal space. This aesthetic is the same across all three gadgets, as well (the gadgets are made by the same developer) so your desktop doesn’t look like a hodge-podge of unrelated gadgets. Facebook and Twitter ExplorerFacebook and Twitter Explorer are, like the monitors above, two related gadgets created by the same developer. In this case, however, the gadgets deal with the most popular social networking websites. The purpose of these two gadgets is the same. Both Facebook and Twitter are frequently updated by users, and you may also add messages to both. Facebook and Twitter explorer act as simple desktop interfaces for this functionality. This means that you don’t have to have a browser window open in order to keep up to date on Facebook and Twitter updates. The Twitter Explorer is functional enough that you may no longer have much need to visit the Twitter website. The Facebook Explorer gadget is also functional enough when it comes to status updates, but it doesn’t let you browse or add friends, play Facebook games, or access any of Facebook’s other pages. SkypeGadgetIf you use Skype a great deal you may, like me, become a little bit frustrated with the program’s interface. I personally find Skype’s interface to be far larger than it really needs to be, and while the new ability to access Skype status through a Jumplist in Windows 7 is nice, it doesn’t address the fundamentally bloated interface. Because of these complaints, I found SkypeGadget to be very useful. SkypeGadget serves as a more compact front end to Skype, making it possible to use Skype without having to deal with the normal Skype interface. SkypeGadget lets you view your contacts, make calls, and begin IM conversations with them. I love having the ability to view my contacts without a huge Skype window on my desktop. My only complaint with the gadget is the inability to place Skype phone calls to “real” phone numbers due to the lack of a numberpad. Hopefully this will be addressed in a future release. Doppler RadLoopWeather gadgets are a bit played out, but that is mostly because they all tend to do the same thing, displaying estimated current weather conditions and perhaps a forecast of some kind. That’s alright, but the problem is that the information isn’t always useful. Let’s say, for example, that you want to ride your bike down to a coffee shop. A weather gadget that simply says the forecast is for scattered shows doesn’t help you much because it can’t tell you if a shower is really near your area or not. For that, you need to take a look at a weather radar, and that is why Doppler RadLoop is so useful. Doppler RadLoop provides real-time radar information for your current location. This lets you actually take a look at the current weather conditions and make a better decision. If a big blob of red is showing up in your area, you best stay home. There are a few weather gadgets for Windows 7, but Doppler Radloop works the smoothest. IF you need to keep a track on current weather this is the best way to do it. Get Your Gadget OnI think some people shy away from Windows 7 gadgets because of the poor taste left in their mouth by Vista Sidebar. Give them a second chance! These are some very useful Windows 7 gadgets, and the often times work better than gadgets available on other platforms. if you know of any other interesting gadgets, please add them in the comments. Got Questions? Ask Them Now FREE on MakeUseOf Answers! Similar MakeUseOf Articles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total Data Security with Paragon’s System Backup 2010 [Giveaway] Posted: 05 Jul 2010 08:30 AM PDT
So now if you're feeling a bit skittish about those important tax documents you haven't backed up yet, I've got some good news for you: we're giving away 50 copies of Paragon System Backup 2010 to MakeUseOf readers this week!
Using Paragon System Backup 2010After you've installed Paragon System Backup 2010, a welcome screen will appear after you restart your computer so you can get started right away. System Backup 2010 encourages you to backup your data to external storage (like a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) which keeps your data safe in the event that your computer is physically damaged. If you don't have external storage, System Backup 2010 will calculate how much space you will need to perform your backups and make a recommendation for what size hard drive to purchase. Paragon System Backup 2010 makes it very easy to set up scheduled, routine backups. This is the best way to keep your data safe (since won't have to worry about running backups yourself), but this application also gives you the ability to manage your backups manually if you prefer. Taking a "snapshot" (a copy of your entire operating system and files at the time you initiated the backup) is incredibly easy. Simply click Backup the entire hard drive or specific disks, name your backup (it would be wise to include the date), pick the storage location, and click Backup Now! System Backup 2010 tells you exactly how much space the data will need before you start. Now if you're like me, you aren't satisfied with the easy-to-use standard settings. Clicking the Settings button from the Home screen of Paragon System Backup 2010 takes you to the part of the application where you can get your hands dirty. You can create as many different backup profiles as you'd like (they are referred to as Strategies in this application). I wanted a backup strategy that only looked at my documents, so I created a special filter with the document formats I wanted to preserve. Paragon System Backup 2010 has many more features to help you keep your data safe and secure, including compression to save space and security to keep your data private. In the event that something happens and your data is lost, you'll rest easy knowing that this great application has you covered. How do I win a copy?It’s simple, just follow the instructions.
This giveaway begins now and ends Friday, 9th July at 2100hrs PST. The winners will be selected at random and announced via email. Spread the word to your friends and have fun! MakeUseOf would like to thank the Paragon Software team for their generosity while participating in this giveaway. Interesting in sponsoring? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us via email. Hey Facebookers, make sure to check out MakeUseOf page on Facebook. Over 24,000 fans already! Similar MakeUseOf Articles |
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