Sunday, July 5, 2009



iPhone News: 1st Augmented Reality App Finds London Underground

Posted: 05 Jul 2009 03:47 AM PDT

One of the reasons to buy the new iPhone 3GS and NOT to choose for the proven iPhone 3G is that the GS has a Digital Compass onboard. This piece of hardware makes the iPhone GS aware to which direction your iPhone 3GS is pointing to, even when you stand still. This enables develoers with the new OS 3.0 and SDK 3.0 to create a new sort of applications which can categorized as Augmented Reality apps. In a post earlier this year we reported about Augmented Reality apps.
Acrossair, the makers of the iPhone app bring you Nearest Tube one of the first augmented reality apps to go live in the iPhone AppStore. Forget boring 2D tube maps! Try this amazing
new application that tells Londoners where their nearest tube station is via their iPhones video function.[watch demo stream]

When you load the app, holding it flat, all 13 lines of the London underground are displayed in coloured arrows. By tilting the phone upwards, you will see the nearest stations: what direction they are in relation to your location, how many kilometres and miles away they are and what tube lines they are on. If you continue to tilt the phone upwards, you will see stations further away, as stacked icons. Only available to Apple iPhone 3GS users.
Release: App is submitted and launches as soon as Apple approves it!
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iPhone TIPS: Run Pee App Time Management For Moviegoers

Posted: 05 Jul 2009 02:18 AM PDT

The Run Pee app [App Store Info] is an ingenious iPhone /iPod touch app that tells you when to head for a bathroom break during a movie so you don't miss any good parts. It is build on the same premise as the RunPee website.

RunPee is a must have app for every moviegoer with a bladder. Run Pee tells you which points in a movie you can safely "run" and "pee' without missing a hugely important plot point.

Each PeeTime tells you:
-Approximately how many minutes into the movie each Pee Time is.
-Cue: what happens in the movie to let you know when that Pee Time begins.
-How long the Pee Time lasts - so you know how many minutes you have before missing something important,
-And best of all: exactly what you'll miss while you're away!

As an example from the new Star Trek movie:
Run Pee approximately 50 minutes into the movie when...Capt. Pike leaves the bridge on his way to Nero's ship and says, "Chekov, you have the con."

You have about 3 minutes to RunPee while...Nero and his crew prepare the 'red matter' - we don't know what that is yet. Captain Pike gives orders along the way to the shuttle craft. He promotes Kirk to first officer and tells him that he, Sulu and Olson are going to go with him on the shuttle craft and he is going to drop them off along the way so that they can dive down the length of the drilling cable so that they can disable it. Pike then promotes Spock to Captain and leaves him in command of the Enterprise. On the shuttle craft Kirk asks Sulu, "What sort of hand to hand combat training do you have?" Sulu responds, "Fencing." There are a few long scenes, like the dive along the drilling cable, where nothing really happens. Many of the scenes from the fight on the drilling platform are in the previews which you have probably scene already.

What did I miss?
Now you can relax and RunPee during a movie with the knowledge that you can return from the toilet (or concession stand) and slip right back into the story without asking anyone, "What did I miss?"

But wait, there's more...
Additionally, you can find out if there is an extra scene after the credits finish rolling! Did you miss the real ending of Iron Man, or one of the many in Wolverine? Well, you won't have to worry about that again. You will now know whether or not you need to sit and wait through the credits to see any extra film footage.

The Timer - Getting ready to RunPee
The app has a built in timer for you, so that you can see at a glance how much longer you will have to "hold it" before the next Pee Time. Then, when you leave the screening room you can easily read what's happening while you are busy elsewhere. You just need to start the timer when the movie begins.

Coming Soon
And this is just the beginning! Updates will be rolling out every few weeks as users suggest improvements - all at no extra charge. For instance, we are already working on a feature to vibrate your iPhone a few minutes before each PeeTime just in case you forget. Nifty, eh?

Is there more you'd like? Can we help your bladder more efficiently? You tell us. If you have a suggestion to improve the app we'll add it in there. We're always thinking of your comfort....because, as you know, "a bladder is a terrible thing to hold".
For user reviews, please follow this link to the App Store Info
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iPhone TIPS: 3GS Oleophobic Screen Coating Shows Burden of Wear?

Posted: 04 Jul 2009 01:12 PM PDT

Fellow German based blogger reports about an iPhone 3GS owner is complaining about the burden of wear by playing a game. Flickfishing is a fishing game where the player must make intensive turn movements on the iPhone screen for hauling the fish line. He wrote the following:
Meine Anti-Fett-Beschichtung ist zum Teil nämlich schon weg, und das ist nicht nur merkbar, sondern auch auffällig gut zu sehen. Falls ihr euch wundert warum die Stelle so Kreisförmig ist, das ist die Stelle, auf der man beim Game "FlickFishing" (AppStore-Link) kurbelt".

Basically it says: My anti-fat protection or oleophobic screen coating is already gone. I am not only notice that, I also can see it on my screen. If you are wondering why there is round spot, well that is the place in the "FlickFishing" I make the turn movements on the iPhone screen for hauling the fish line. See picture in the Forum or user "Samsas Traum" HERE
Q: How can I avoid those spots on my screen? A: To be honest since a long time I am using a screen protector to protect my both iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G. So I have no reason not to put a screen protector on my new iPhone 3GS as soon I get a hand on one. The screen protector I am using also prevents me from fingerprints and scratches. The big advantage of a screen protector is ofcourse you can remove them and stick a new one on it for just a few bucks! I wrote a review about those Invisible Shields by Zagg. shields months ago HERE. The condition of the Zagg shield on my iPhone 3G is still perfect, no spots no burden of wear, nothing. And yes I did also a lot of "FlickFishing"

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